Town Records

The Town of Elizabeth now has a convenient public portal to access many of our documents. It includes a search feature to help narrow down your search. To access this public portal, click the link below.

Town of Elizabeth Records Portal powered by Laserfiche

Please note that this portal is a constant work in progress and may change from time to time. All information found in this portal is considered "archived content" and is also stored by a third-party service not controlled by the Town. Archived content may not meet current accessibility standards. If you are having trouble accessing any of this content and need the information in a different format, please reach out to the Town at 303-646-4166, emailing hmalakowski [at] or filling out an Open Records Request form found below.

The Town of Elizabeth follows the Colorado Municipal Records Retention Schedule found here.


If you are unable to find what you are looking for, you can turn in a records request to the Town Clerk's office using the form below. Please note that some fees and charges may apply.

Copies ..............$0.25 per one-sided page
Copies (color)...$0.35 per one-sided page
Research: $41.37/hr after the first hour

A 50% to 100% deposit of estimated cost of fees may be required before processing your request.

Open Records Request Form